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Friday, July 25, 2008
5:02 PM

July 25: I wake up at 5am cause got stomached and went out of the house at 6.45am. It was very early for me cause I usuallWy go out around 7.00am. School was nothing but revision revision!! After school, rushed home, bath and changed then went to Tampines Mall to meet Jin Siang, Justin, Hui Yi, Shi Yan, Arisa and Muy Kim. We watched the "Dark knight'' movie, the movie was dam long 1h45min (sit until my butt pain) but it worth to watch it because very nice nice!! After movie went with Jin siang and Justin to Ryan's condo. Then reached at Ryan's condo then went up to his house to play ps2 ( lame go condo play ps2-.-). The 2 B was there Brendon and Benjamin, they were eating cup noodle like hungry ghost. Then 2B went swimming (taking pic of each other eeeeeeee.) and dunno wat happen brendon juz throw the whole deck of waterproof uno down the pool and challenge benjamin to picking up cards. Later nobody win because the game was juz too arduous. While they continue to swim, I played stress and uno wit ryan and justin............. After swimming went to play pool at his house then went home.

I like this poem
My New Best Friend
Today I met a great new friend
Who knew me right away
It was funny how he understood
All I had to say

He listened to my problems
She listened to my dreams
We talked about love and life
He'd been there, too, it seems

I never once felt judged by him
He knew just how I felt
He seemed to just accept me
And all the problems I's been dealt

He didn't interrupt me
Or need to have him say
He just listened very patiently
And didn't go away

I wanted him to understand
How much this meant to me
But as I went to hug him
Something startled me

I put my arms in front of me
And went to pull him nearer
And realized that my new best friend
Was nothing but a mirror
Retold by Kimberly Kriberger

Saturday, July 19, 2008
8:33 PM

Force me to wave a cab under the rain.
July 19: No school today so I went to meet Justin at his void deck then we went to Hui Yi's house to study. Later Shi yan came and called Jin Siang to buy Mac for us. After, shi yan we did study because they distracted by the com. They forced me to sing "an jing'' so embarrassed lo. Jin Siang finally came with the mac lunch after long 1/2 hour. Then we went to play poker with money i only bet 5cents cause no coins. We also played heart attack and murder. Around 7.30 went out for dinner at E hub. It is raining thus we decided to take cab. At first we want to buy sushi and watch Dark Night but no seat le thus they settle down at PastaMania for dinner. I forgot what i order but i put too much cheese on my spaghetti.
Add too much cheese until the spaghetti was floated

Have a lot fun. Thanks
After dinner head home tired-.-

July 18: I went to school, Mr koh and Miss tok never come that means 3 hours of free period!!!
After school, I go home changed and meet kang yu at tampines 201. Then we walk to Jun Fei blk ( told a lot of rubbish and walked very damn tired). Reached jun fei house Bk, then he brought us to the basketball. Played basketball with junfei, brendon, justin, jin siang, benjamin, zhi keong, zi yang. ( Later Teck woon came). Jun fei went to tuition first, then a group of basketballer called us to challenge them basketball 5 on 5 but i turned up to be 6 on 5 (because they counted zi yang as nothing jk jk). We were totally trashed, they were too powerful for us to beat.

[ pls dun no wear slipper when u play basketball and dun play with bear foot because your skin will be easily tear.]

After that match we were exhausted and my legs hurt. Then Jun Fei came down after his tuition then we went toTampines sport complex to play LAN. After that we ate dinner at east link then we headed to popular because jun fei want to buy a math assignment book ( I dun think he so hardworking.) Then we went to play arcade 4 a while, Brendon showing off his basketball skill but end up only score 400 plus. After that Brendon, Zi yang, Qi jun and me took a cab home, I alighted near my house first and after that they alight at TJC and ran away because they dun have enough money to paid the cabby..... want more detail ask them.

July 17: Go schooling, during reading period Mr nasim checked my englishfile lucky all my note was file properly. He damn irritating said everday muz bring English file. ( he going to check agian -.-) ......and during my f&n lesson i learn how to cook the siew mai and doughnut. Sorry i dun have the recipes but i will promise I will post once i get the recipes. Here some pictures of my dishes Doughnut (nicer than siew mai)
Siew mai

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
7:02 AM

Jun 16: Around 8.30pm my tuition teacher came......while she was marking my compo she spots so many mistake until she cant take it and started to scold me like hell and condemn my english. One of the folly mistake was I spell special as "sepcial" and spell interesting as "intersting''. Then she act le she said that spelling words she learn in kindergarten (so what? big deal) [ Like Mr nasim said it is just a slip not a fall]. When she go off that time she told my family I didnt know how to spell interesting and special. I wanted to slap her face and called her to shut her big fat ugly idiot smelly mouth. KK going to release stress and of course angry with her. WWHHHHHYYY bloodly english so hard de!!!! Stress level 51%!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
8:47 AM

Due to over request of update---> updated
June 15: Another same boring day in the school, halfway walking to school.... I realise that I didnt bring my wallet. I dash back like the speed of sound in the air 330m/s, thanks goodness I was not late. The first part of the school was as usual, but when it come to recesstime, I realise something new. There was a new stall in my school, thus I decided to try noodle. The food was not only terrible but so few noddles. ( I spend $2 on it but still havent full.)
During the CD lesson, Mr heng brought my class to the computer lap and do some school survey ( it was just very stupid to ask me "'do u like is school''.) Of course I will strongly disagree. Before my O-level chinese listening, I went to the washroom with Brendon and Jun Fei, they were playing and spraying soap on each other ( so childish and stupid). The chinese listening was normal la and I almost shade all my answer on C. After school, I went home together with Kang Yu and Ryan. After alighting at TJC bus stop, I waited around 10 min for my bus 29. Brendon sit on the chair and acting cool
Stress up to 47%

June 14: Same old thing dun need to stress on the mandate thing I do in the school!! Stress up to 45%. But got one thing I share with you all *Ali is a Gay*, he kissed my hand during the social studies( miss tok never come), he was playing true and dare with some the girls in my class. When it was his turn to do dare, he was foreced to kiss three boys in this class. Ali dont scare to throw face in front of his classmates, he just ran in front of me and kissed my hand. Later he turn is focus on Jun Fei EEEEEEEEE!! I must wash my hand with 100% soap which kill germ and spray perfume. Jk Jk. After school, I went back with cho Zi Yang and he accompany me to 29 bus. Around 5.30pm, Jin Siang called me to go jog with him. I agreed and we started jog from the paris ris canal to paris ris park. Run until my leg pain so decided to head back home. Bye got go sleep. Goodnight

Saturday, July 12, 2008
7:08 AM

Wah Damn tired.. =( muscle ache all over my body and kena bruises I fell down from my bike when cycling in east coast beach with my friends pls dun ask me who.

I love the sea!!
Not acting or posting

I have a lot of fun there after cycling i went with my friends to marine parade area and eat KFC for lunch. Then we go walk around marine parade mall, and buy lollipop. We threw up wrappers down from third floor and one of the wrapper kena a old woman , I faster run away from the scene (we burst out of laughter) .......... After we had our last bubble tea drink (nicest bubble + no preservative) and went home.

Enjoying the wind blowing.

OK my eyes going to shut. Got to go
Bye Bye
Pls poll and tag me!! Thanks

Friday, July 11, 2008
9:56 AM

This were the few dishes i made during my n level course. Pls dun write nasty thing of my food i know is not tat good but hope u all appreciate it.

Fruit Bread Pudding

Royal Chicken Soup

Creamy mayonnaise with spicy fries

That is all for the day going to sleep. Sleep well!!

9:45 AM

Reason tat i create blog----> Too boring with my friendster and facebook, thus i want to try out blog. I am a newbie so i wont be creating fanciful thing. Today in school was very boring like hell 2 hours of ****ing math. Moreover the stupid of Mr koh make me want to fall asleep. After school went straight home to study for my N level ( dun wan to fail). Mr heng always says "play PSP go ITE". Wont be very long to see me adding some picture to kill your boredom.

8:32 AM

hi (Gui ling so lame) write hi only

Leslie Lim
Occupation: Studying in Ngee Ann Poly
Course:Aerospace Electronic With Minor In Business management
Likes: Seeing aircraft depart and land
Play Guitar

Favorite Airlines
FlyScoot FlyScoot from SIA
Tiger Airways Tiger Airways from SIA
Jetstar Asia Jetstar Asia from Qantas
Silkair Silkair from SIA
Singapore Airline Singapore Airlines from SIA
Dragon Air Dragon Air from Cathay Pacific
Air Asia Air Asia
Eva Air Eva Air

Chit-Chat Corner

pop it up!

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